
Apex GT dimensions

Find detailed dimensional drawings for this model below, available in PDF format for the monitor configurations shown.

45" Curved Monitors

32" Curved Monitors

APEX GT 32" Curved Triple Screen

*APEX GT shown with 3 degrees of freedom (all 3 rotations)

43" flat monitors

*APEX GT shown with 5 degrees of freedom (all 3 rotations, 2 translations)

BUILDER's editon

SimCraft APEX3 GT BUILDER's edition

*APEX GT BUILDER’s edition shown with 3 degrees of freedom (all 3 rotations)

Apex CT dimensions

Find detailed dimensional drawings for this model below, available in PDF format for the monitor configurations shown.

45" Curved Monitors

SimCraft APEX4 CT Racing Simulator

*APEX CT shown with 4 degrees of freedom

32" Curved Monitors


*Picture not available at this time of 32″ curved

43" flat monitors

SimCraft APEX4 CT Standard

*APEX CT shown with 2 degrees of freedom

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